What we do.
We use our knowledge and experience of the historic environment and the planning process to support clients achieve their ambitions. We carry out academic research and site analysis to present a coherent and accurate account of the history of a historic place (building or area), setting out what people value about its history and architecture. We use this information as a sound evidence base to advise on how a particular proposal might add to, or detract from what makes it special. We help identify any heritage challenges and opportunities to optimise a site's potential to accommodate change.
Get in touch.
If you are considering making a change to a historic property or in a historic area you will need specialist heritage advice to support any formal application to a local planning authority. Good practice would be to seek this advice as early on in the process as possible as this will help to inform key decisions, to identify opportunities, reduce risks and avoid delays later on.
Your plans
We will introduce the team to you and explain how we can help. This will normally be a telephone conversation or email exchange. For a small charge we can arrange for an initial site meeting if that is more useful to you.
We will provide a detailed fees brief to establish the scope of our work and a cost. Once a fees brief has been accepted we will start working on your project following the steps set out below.
Contact us now.
What do I need listed building consent for?
Alterations, extensions and works involving demolition. internal or external, will require consent from your local planning authority if they would affect the special interest of the listed building. Central Government has recently introduced a process to allow you to request formal determination of the need for consent from your local council.
How long does it take to get a decision?
Once an application has been submitted local planning authorties are usually able to determine applications within 8 weeks. If you seek pre-application advice then this may take a further 4 weeks or more, depending on the complexity of the project. Councils usually provide guidance about this on their websites.
Why would I need a heritage assessment?
There are national and local requirements determining the need for supporting information to accompany planning and listed building consent applications. If a proposal would affect a listed building or conservation area then a heritage report is likely to be required as a part of any submission. In any event providing evidence and analysis that demonstrates your understanding of the historic environment and how it would be affected by your proposals can only add certainty to a positive outcome.
What about Worlledge Associates fees?
The service we provide will be built on an understanding of your needs. We will provide a detailed fees estimate so that you know exactly what we will be charging for and how much it will cost. During the course of a project there may be additional costs, from extra commissioned work or meetings, but these will be agreed with you in advance so that there are no surprises.
The planning process.
We will provide specialist advice to help shape and finalise your project. We will explain the heritage management policy context to ensure that your proposal will be compliant and discuss the opportunity for the engagement with the planning authority.
Our heritage report will be an important component of any planning submission and will help to demonstrate an understanding of the heritage significance the site holds. This will be important as it helps people also understand the nature of any impact.
We can provide ongoing support to advise on any formal consultation responses the council receives and to address any concerns that council officers may raise.
Submitting your application
Initial design stage
We will help support clients navigate the complex planning process. This may involve preliminary discussions with council officers, Historic England and other stakeholders through the pre application process. We will review the council officers feedback and advise on any necessary actions.
Pre application advice
Planning decision
Any consent granted by the planning authority will usually be subject to a number of conditions. We can provide help and support to provide any required information specified in the condition.
In the event that consent is not granted we can provide advice on the next steps, whether this is to consider amendments to your proposal and resubmission or to appeal the decision.
Appeal a decision
In the event your application is refused you will have the right to appeal that decision to an independent decision maker (The Planning Inspectorate). We can provide the necessary reports and written statements to support an appeal should you wish to pursue that route.
Before a decision.
What happens next.
Site visit
We will carry out an initial site assessment to understand the heritage asset and to record any special architectural and historic features it possesses. Once we have a good understanding of the history of the site we can share that knowledge to help identify any challenges or opportunities that your proposals may present.
We will carry out research online and in libraries to examine archive material. We will use this research and our site findings to provide an account of the history of the place, analysis of phases of development and assessment of its special architectural and historic interest (heritage significance).
Impact and significance
When the proposal is fixed we supplement that historical account with an assessment of the impact it would have on the site's heritage significance, within the context of current national and local policy and advice.