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We provide a range of professional services to support the effective management of the historic environment including historic buildings and historic areas. We often work with other professionals to manage the planning process. This will involve supporting property owners and developers from pre application stage right through to an appeal if required.
Advice & Advocacy
Seeking early advice from the experts on how best to manage a heritage asset helps to achieve an informed, proactive, and productive conservation strategy for all those involved. We provide customer focused advice whether you are simply exploring development options or have specific questions about heritage legislation or procedures.
Heritage Assessments
When changes are proposed to a heritage asset, planning authorities and Historic England encourage and sometimes require detailed historical analysis. This is to ensure that the heritage significance of a site is properly understood, and to inform the decision-making process. Our specialists can prepare a heritage report examining what makes a place special (Statement of Significance) and assessing the impact a proposed development would have on that significance (Heritage Impact Assessment).
Planning Appeals
When things go wrong, which can sometimes happen, we can advise on ways to engage with local authorities, stakeholders, and others to help mediate solutions and find a way forward. If a planning appeal is necessary, we can collect evidence and offer expert advice to help with the process.
Conservation Management
The special value of a place often derives from the relationship between buildings and spaces. We can help analyse the historic development of an area, document its character, and develop long- and short-term conservation management plans for its conservation and potential enhancement.
From leading architectural walking tours for postgraduate students, to providing training on historic building and area analysis, we endeavour to share our expertise as widely as possible. We value the opportunity to collaborate with, and learn from, those interested in the historic environment. If you have a research assignment or collaborative project that you think we can help with, please get in touch.
Community Engagement
Communities lead the way in valuing and celebrating local heritage. We share this passion and want to engage and empower communities to take ownership over their historic environment. Our community engagement ranges from offering advice about the planning process, giving lectures, participating in community outreach events, running workshops, to organising historic environment walkabouts.