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The Belgravia Conservation Area is host to grand stucco terraces around garden squares, with small scale mews buildings behind, developed in the early 19th century by Thomas Cundy, Thomas Cubit, and Seth Smith on behalf of the Grosvenor Estate.

Belgravia Townhouses
(Westminster City Council)

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There has been a fundamental shift from how this terraced housing was originally designed to be occupied, compared to how it is used today. Where once primary spaces at ground and first floors were served from subsidiary servants’ quarters in basement, attic and mews, this social hierarchy has all but disappeared, and all floors are incorporated for leisure or family use.

Worlledge Associates have worked with architects, private clients and developers on a number a projects in this area, from town houses to lateral apartments, statutory listed at grades II and II*. By means of historic research and analysis of the existing fabric, the significance of the building is defined and used to inform proposals for refurbishment or alteration to adapt the property for 21st century family life.

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